- SO! Yesterday, me with my friends join one of the competitions in SHS Franciscus Bandar Lampung; there are poster-making competition, photography competition, and Wall-Magazines Competititon... and yess... there are Amor and Calista who joins poster making competition and Gammas who also joins photography competitions.. in Wall-Magazines Competition, our scholl has just to send 1 team which consists of me, Geugeu, and Angelicha.. AND GUESS WHAT??!! our school got the 3rd competition .. i know i know what u guys think with our excitement that we just got 3rd winner.. but hey, guess what?!! this is just our first experienced and we just got the 3rd winner for our FIRST TIME in this whole competitions.. believe it or not, at the first time, i didn't believe that we just got the 3rd place because, i seen that many school's wall-mag is perfect, i mean other's Wall-Mag is just GOOD, but yeahhhh... i guess god is still on OUR SIDE #thankyougod..
PLEASE FOLLOWB US ON INSTAGRAM @dzakiperkasa and @salwaalya
Slamat bang