- HELLO WORLD... So, in this time i will introduce me and OUR account. YESS!? many people has said this words, but let me tell it in Indonesia "tak kenal maka tak cinta, tak cinta maka tak sayang", so?! So, first of all my name is "Ahmad Dzaki F.Djati", but yess.. i know, my name is very hard to remember but you can call me "Dzakster".. i was born with the name of "Dzaki", and i was very proud of this name, 'cause it has a lot positive meanings, and i was born in indonesia, in capital of Bandar Lampung. anyways, back to the main point, this account is actually about OUR daily life and daily experienced... so, did you guys have been wonder why am i always mention this account using words "our".. then i would just get straight of it.. actually this account is well-managed by TWO people, which is me and Salwa, but you guys can call her Sale if you want..

- so.. Hallo guyss.. as Dzakster said my name Salwa Alya Zahra, but you can call me anything you want but please don't call me cat or some weird name.. so, i was born in Bandar Lampung also in 17th August 2002, yess right exact the same the date when Indonesia has it's independence day.. my hobby is swimming and cooking if you guys want to know that..
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